man renovating home

Reasons For A Refinance

As a homeowner, you might hear the term “refinance” thrown around often. Depending on your financial situation, the current mortgage market, and your future goals, refinancing might make sense. What exactly is a[...]

home interior

What Is Mortgage Forbearance?

COVID-19 has left many Americans struggling. Whether you have had your hours cut, lost your job, or are having cash flow issues with your business, it can be a tough time to pay your mortgage. Due to a recent bill that allows borrowers with a[...]

Family hiking

Your Guide To Being At Home (9 Fun Ideas)

Practicing social distancing can be tough, especially with small children. While we are all safe at home, it is more important than ever to find new ways to keep your family entertained. Below are some ideas to help keep you and the family[...]


What Is The Right Property Type For Me?

There are a few different types of property to pick from when you are going through the home buying process. When deciding what property type your family will purchase, you will want to consider many different factors. The type of property you[...]

present of gift funds

Using Gift Funds To Buy A Home

If you lack the funds for a down payment on a home, there are various options available. You could pick a loan program without a down payment requirement, use a down payment assistance program or use gift funds. Gift funds can help relieve[...]

Credit Card Spending

Understanding Debt

For many borrowers, debt can be a scary word. Whether you have racked up high credit card bills, dealt with collection agencies or even had a large loan looming over your head, the mention of debt can make you want to run for the hills.[...]

home with dresser

Furnishing Your New Home Checklist

Styling your new home is one of the most exciting parts of buying a home. Whether you want to paint the walls, update your appliances or buy new furniture, you now have the freedom to make it your own. Most homeowners usually start with[...]


What Determines Your Interest Rate?

Buying a home is one of the most important financial decisions you will ever make. Not only is it the most expensive, but it is highly likely you will need to apply for a loan that will take the next 15 to 30 years to pay off. One of the[...]