Tips For A Smooth Loan Approval

After helping thousands of families get into their homes, we’ve got the process figured out.  Here is a list of common do’s and don’ts that will help make sure your loan avoids delays, processes as smooth as possible[...]


Mortgage Lenders Vs. Mortgage Brokers (What's The Difference?)

You know you want a mortgage, but how do you get started? When looking into financing for your home, you will come across two main types of mortgage providers, mortgage lenders, and mortgage brokers. They may have a similar process but there are[...]


Renting Vs Owning (The Honest Truth)

Deciding whether you want to own or buy isn’t as simple as it seems. At Summit, we believe that everyone deserves to be a homeowner, but the reality is that it isn’t for everyone (at least right now). Depending on what stage you are[...]

Moving Vehicle

Waste Less Time Finding Your Dream Home

Anyone that has bought a home knows that searching for your dream home can feel tiresome and overwhelming. You spend hours scrolling online, visiting open houses and calling your real estate agent. That’s why we created a quick home search[...]

man signing loan approval documents

What Does A Mortgage Lender Look At For Loan Approval

If you’ve been looking at getting a mortgage, you know your credit score is an important factor to get qualified. However, what you may not know is that mortgage lenders look at your entire financial profile.   When lenders[...]

warm blanket in home during winter

Winterproofing Your Home

As a homeowner, winter can be an expensive and bone-chilling experience. Whether your home is newer or older, the snow, ice, and rain that winter brings will take a toll on your home. That is why we prepared a winter-proofing your home checklist.[...]


Your Guide To Becoming A Homeowner In 2020

The New Year is here and so is the time where people start thinking about their resolutions. Whether it’s to save money, lose weight or spend less time on social media, the New Year gives us an opportunity to start fresh on a new set[...]

Calculating mortgage payment

What Makes Up A Mortgage Payment?

Buying a home is both an exciting time and a rewarding experience. Whether you want to fire your landlord, grow your family or build your financial independence, a home is the way to get it done. Before you get started, it’s important to[...]