Getting Your Credit

“How good does my credit score need to be to apply for a mortgage?” We get that question almost every day and the answer is that, it depends. Credit affects your eligibility for a mortgage in many ways and will depend on your[...]


Preparing Your Home For Inspection

Selling your home can be a lengthy process and an inspection can be one of the scariest parts. Below we have prepared a short list to help homeowners prepare for an easy and stress-free home inspection.   Reduce Clutter Try to[...]


Down Payment - 5 Tips To Saving To Buy A Home

 One of the biggest obstacles for potential homeowners is saving for a down payment. That is why we put together a list of the 6 best ways to save for a down payment on your home.   1. Fixed Automatic Transfers Using a fixed[...]


6 Benefits Of Owning A Home

Families purchase homes for a variety of reasons. They could need a bigger space, build wealth, want to paint their walls and customize a home, or take control of their monthly expenses. Below are 6 benefits of owning a[...]


5 Mistakes That New Home Buyers Make

Buying your first home can be nerve-wracking if you don’t have the right team to guide you through the process. After helpings thousands of families buy their home, we have come up with a list of the 5 most common home buyer mistakes and[...]


Summer Activities For Homeowners

Summer is here and that means that your kids are repeating the same phrase you hear every year… “I’m bored!” This year you can cure boredom with our list of fun summer activities for homeowners! Backyard[...]


Summer Home Care Checklist

Owning a home comes with a new set of responsibilities. One of which is to maintain your home throughout the different seasons. With summer here, now is the time to get started on these items before we hit the peak of fiery summer temperatures.[...]


Homebuying Tips For Parents

Finding the perfect home is not always easy and as a parent, it can be even harder. While you may be able to renovate the kitchen or refresh the paint, you cannot pick and choose your school zone. As a parent, you want to find a home in[...]