Black mansmiing and reading document

Lingo You'll Hear During The Loan Process

If you are buying your first home, you will need to learn some of the jargon before you get started. Here are the most important terms you will need to know ahead of the loan process. Appraisal You will hear the word appraisal earlier in[...]

Hand writing the words 'credit score' on transparent glass

6 Ways To Improve Your Credit Score

Poor credit is one of the most common reasons that families put off their homeownership dreams. If you are dealing with vast amounts of debt or credit issues, it can feel overwhelming. Here are six ways in which you can improve your credit score[...]

Asian couple home owners packing big cardboard box for moving in new house

10 Homeowner Terms You Are Going To Need To Know

As a homeowner, there are many terms you will need to know. Here are the top ten:  1. Escrow Escrow is where your mortgage payment will be deposited every month. This account is a safe place where the escrow company stores your[...]

Young couple being handed keys for a house they just purchased

The Real “Costs” Of Doing A Mortgage

As a lender that made it through the Financial Crisis of 2007-2008, we know that doing the right thing for your clients should be your ultimate priority. As a lender that focuses on experience and customer service, we believe that it is our job[...]

Homeowners consulting with loan officer about refinancing

How Often Can I Refinance My Mortgage?

Rates continue to stay at all-time lows, which means that many homeowners take advantage of refinances to lower rates and access their growing equity. If you refinanced before COVID-19 and have a high-interest rate, you may benefit from[...]

Porch view of a home in the spring

Buying And Selling This Spring

As temperatures start to rise and the holidays behind us, we usually see an uptick in real estate transactions. While spring is generally known as a busier season for real estate, we find ourselves in a very opportunistic time for buyers and[...]

Woman looking at receipts looking for ways to save for down payment on mortgage

5 Ways to Cut Costs and Save For A Down Payment

Get clear on the numbers Before you start saving for a down payment, it is critical to clarify the exact numbers. Speak with your lender to determine the down payment and closing costs needed on your desired home. They will also know how the[...]

Two adults looking at loan documents at a table

Gathering Your Documents For Your Mortgage

If you’ve ever bought a home, then you know just how much documentation will be required during the mortgage process. Many homebuyers report this as their biggest pain point during a mortgage transaction. Luckily for you, we have helped[...]