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FHA Loans.

Small Down Payment.

Big Opportunity.

FHA loans provide the opportunity to enter the real estate market if you have limited funds for a down payment or need flexible options to qualify for a home. Our goal is to help you realize the possibility of homeownership, even if you’re starting small. You still can achieve your goals and we’ll be there to make sure you do! Don’t let a lack of a large down payment or a lower credit score dissuade you from owning your own home. Contact us to find out how an FHA loan can work for you.

Minimum FICO Score.

check mark 580-620 with debt-to-income limits
check mark 580 high balance with limits


Down Payment.

check mark 3.5% minimum borrower



check mark Primary residence


Other Highlights.

check mark UPMIP financed
check mark Monthly mortgage insurance required
check mark 100% gift funds allowed
check mark Up to 6% seller contribution


*The loan program referenced is subject to Summit Funding, Inc's program minimum FICO and underwriting requirements, which may differ from those imposed by the FHA. Summit Funding, Inc. is a private mortgage lender authorized as an approved FHA direct seller servicer. This communication is not intended to indicate FHA endorsement or approval of any loan program.

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