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VA Loans.

You Served Our County,

Now Let’s Build Your Future.

At Summit Funding we want to thank you for your service and honor you by providing VA loans. If you are a veteran, active-duty personnel, or surviving spouse of a veteran, then consider using your VA benefit to finance your home purchase. This loan requires no down payment and no mortgage insurance which allows for lower monthly payments. We welcome the opportunity to work side-by-side with you to build your future. Contact us today to learn more about these government-backed loans.

Minimum FICO Score.

check mark 620 with debt-to-income limits
check mark 640 high balance with limits


Down Payment.

check mark No down payment required



check mark Primary residence


Other Highlights.

check mark Upfront funding fee financed
check mark No monthly mortgage insurance required
check mark 100% gift funds allowed
check mark Up to 4% seller contribution


*This communication is for informational purposes only, this is not a commitment to lend. Individual buyer's financial circumstances may be different and may result in different interest rates, costs, and payments. All programs are subject to change or cancelation at any time and without notice. Please consult your licensed Loan Originator to learn more about mortgage products, your eligibility, and ask for an official Loan Estimate before choosing your loan.

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