Below are key items to do and to avoid during your home lending process. This list will help keep your loan on track and ensure an effortless home loan experience. Unsure if something will affect your loan approval? Just ask us! We have seen it all and can answer any of your questions.
The refinance process was relatively easy. Jacek and his team, along with Lewis County Title were on top of it. They were available both in office and electronically to answer any questions and ensured we closed by end of month.
Britney Renae F.
Jacek was knowledgeable and always ready to help or answer questions. Everyone at the office was also helpful and knew what was going on if I had any additional questions.
Erin W.
Good people
Caden Ronald N.
Being on top of everything!
Leytan G C.
Great team to work with. Helped every step of the way. Very knowledgeable.