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Do's & Dont's.

Tips for a Smooth Loan Approval

Below are key items to do and to avoid during your home lending process. This list will help keep your loan on track and ensure an effortless home loan experience. Unsure if something will affect your loan approval? Just ask us! We have seen it all and can answer any of your questions.


  • Immediately inform your Loan Officer if there are any changes in your employment, income, or assets.
  • Continue living in your current residence.
  • Continue making all mortgage or rent payments.
  • Continue to make payments and stay current on all existing credit accounts.
  • Be prepared with an explanation for any credit “blemishes” and recent credit inquiries.
  • Research and select a preferred homeowner’s insurance provider.


  • Make any major purchases or home improvements. (ie. auto, boat, appliances, furniture, pool)
  • Apply for new credit or loans.
  • Pay off any charge-off accounts, collections, loans, credit cards, or consolidate debt.
  • Close any credit card accounts, max-out, or over-charge credit accounts.
  • Change bank accounts of transfer balances from one account to another.
  • Change the source of your “closing funds.”
  • Deposit large amounts of cash into your own bank account without proper documentation.

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