Below are key items to do and to avoid during your home lending process. This list will help keep your loan on track and ensure an effortless home loan experience. Unsure if something will affect your loan approval? Just ask us! We have seen it all and can answer any of your questions.
Smooth escrow. Clear and in depth information communicated every step of the way.
Verona Adolphina N.
The process was fast and easy!
Michelle Leigh N.
It was very helpful to have the whole process broken down. As a first time homebuyer, everything is so scary. I was very thankful for Martha for all her help. She answered every little small confusion that I had. Thank you all!
Faviola C.
Great to work with
Nicholas R.
Communication and willingness to
Armitta G. W.
Communication in general. I was unaware we would be handed off to another person & that was a surprise