Below are key items to do and to avoid during your home lending process. This list will help keep your loan on track and ensure an effortless home loan experience. Unsure if something will affect your loan approval? Just ask us! We have seen it all and can answer any of your questions.
Always a pleasure working with Mary Frink and her team! I always refer Mary to clients, friends and family!
Stephani B.
Very easy, lots of communication, and worked through the hiccups .
Wyatt L H.
Great communication and working with out of town services. Our realitor and investiment banker both really enjoyed working with Summit and Mary for our purchase
We would highly recommend them.
Julie & Gregg
Julia A L.
super responsive, professional, curteous, and smart.
Gregg H R.
Very easy to get things done. Several different aways to communicate and get information that was needed.