Save – Look for ways to reduce your monthly expenditures to save toward a down-payment. You could enroll for an automatic savings plan at your bank to have a portion of your payroll automatically transferred into savings. Most people save a couple of years for their down payment. Practice
Make your payments starting today – My mom taught me this strategy years ago. Start making your new mortgage payment today. Once you qualify the difference between your rent and your furture mortgage payment, start saving in a special home account. This wil do two things. One, you will be saving more for your down payment and two, you will get a feeling for what it is like to make the mortgage payment today. Try it, it really works.
Move – You may be able to save additional funds if you can move into less expensive housing.
Reduce other higher interest rate debt – Paying off credit cards will initially reduce your savings, but the money you will save from higher interest rates will pay-off in the long run.
Make a deal with the seller – In some circumstances, it is appropriate to ask the seller to carry a second-mortgage to cover your down payment. Typically, you will pay a slightly higher rate for this second mortgage.
Sell some investments
Get a second job and save your earnings
Skip a year’s vacation
Gift from Family – Parents and other family members are often anxious to help children buy their first home and may have the means to give you a gift of money for a portion or all of your down payment.
Borrow the down payment from your retirement plan – As a last result this is an option. Check the provisions of your retirement plan. You can borrow funds from a 401(k) plan for a down payment or make a withdrawal from an Individual Retirement Account. Be sure you understand the tax consequences, repayment terms and/or possible early withdrawal penalties.
Good communication with staff. Good follow up when we had questions. Worked to get us a lower interest rate right at closing.
Roger Alan M.
Positive experience working with Marc and his team. Very professional. Provided guidance throughout the home buying process. Would definitely recommend Marc to family and friends.
Marc was excited and energetic through the whole process. I ask a lot of questions and he beat me to the punch every time. I had to close fast and he went above and beyond to make that happen. Could not recommend him enough!
Marc, Annette and Linette make a wonderful team for Summit Funding Inc. The three of them are knowledgeable, competent and personable. They make you feel like you are important, special and their one and only client.
Ron Mainini
Marc and his team are fantastic! They work hard to get exactly what you need and the right deal. They are fast, efficient and super friendly - its always a pleasure doing business with them and they always get the job done.
We showed up to an open house and met Marc. While we didn't end up getting that house I am super happy we met. He helped us through the loan process from beginning to end. Summit Funding has been a informative, helpful and friendly Ally on the home buying process and I don't know what we would hav done without them.